Shadows and Light - At the Show

So, for those wonderful people who couldn't come to the gallery show but supported me from afar with kind words and cards and email, I wrangled together a little video clip that is all a humble minute long (and yet took 3 bajillion hours to make because I AM SO SLOW with these things). Please to be enjoying muchly.



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Snowfall at the Studio

First snowfall for me. I know, depending where other people live and what elevation they are at, that everyone is experiencing winter a little differently.

For me... it is here. It started Flags_in_snowfallas a hissing noise, like sugar being poured through the evergreens. Changing form, it fell more gently and silently.

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New Studio

Slowly getting set-up in the new studio. Boxes are getting unpacked and the bits and pieces are finding their way into nooks and niches. The electric heater sounds like someone is breathing long drawn wheezy inhalations and exhalations and can be a bit disconcerting if it is really quiet, like living with someone in an iron lung only there is no one to be found.

Here is a pic of the view from my work desk:



And here another view:



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