"Ocean Song"

This mama and baby found a home even before the show opened. I got to meet the new owner at the reception. Terrific person, as was her friend. It is always so nice to meet the people who support you.

"Ocean Song" - paper collage 

"Ocean Song" - paper collage 

Our "New Beginings" Show

We had a great re-opening at the Gallery. We are back in swing for the year. Our renovations inside are finished and it looks great with more usable space.

Last minute tweaks before the deadline.

Last minute tweaks before the deadline.

And then the doors open.

And then the doors open.

And all the hard work pays off and the fun begins.

And all the hard work pays off and the fun begins.

On my beach walk...

... there is a rock with many little windows. I started to put a piece of sea treasure into a window every time I went past it. It looks like it has caught on. I love seeing what new treasures appear.



"Elephant" paper collage

"Elephant" paper collage

I was quite pleased with how Elephant turned out and amazed I found a piece of paper that really looked like the eye of an elephant. I think it was a snippet from a flower pattern, but it looks so much like an elephant eye. (You can see the green hanging down are the leaves.) You can't see the lovely gold, alas, scans never show that, but there is gold in the tusks and gold in the black edge of his ear. I think he is heading in for a swim. With all that red heat, he needs a cool off.

This piece will also be in the February show until sold!

Magnetic Inspiration

In my studio, I have one of those magnetic poetry kits on my fridge.

Why not pair up the phrases with some imagery?

Here is my little sketch painting to go with the words.
