Winter Sketching - Getting outside

A somewhat early snowfall left a good amount of snow - enough to get the snowplough out and clearing the roads.

Some outdoor sketching in the new snowfall. Despite the temperature hovering around 0 degrees, it felt colder with the damp. I warmed myself up with some shovelling and then went back to sketching.

weeping birch with autumn leaves

With the sun on the snow, great clumps began to melt and fall from the tall conifers… one clump fell directly on my head and sketchbook. Fortunately, I was trying out a new waterproof pen… and yes… it is indeed waterproof.

More scoping-sketches

The juvenile bald eagles were, at low tide, giving it a go with the crabs. It was high entertainment, even if they really never held still for a good sketch moment. Even when their bodies are still, their heads are moving every 2 seconds or so.

I know it is not just sketching through the scope but the ability to hold what you see in your memory for just a moment, enough to get it on paper. I don’t have that memory muscle. Right now it is, make a line, look, make a line, look and so on. The ability to see the gestalt of the bird and get it down… one can dream.
